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Our Story

We are a family of thirteen living on a farm in rural Alabama. We firmly believe in the values of home education and home discipleship. We are passionate about the importance of nourishing meals around the dinner table. We believe the family at home is the best context in which children can be nurtured, grow and thrive. 

Brian & Julie

These two are the crux upon which Pax Matres is founded. They have had the privilege of eighteen years of marriage together, and are currently expecting their 11th baby! They enjoy slow living in the fields and forests of rural Alabama, where they focus their attention on homeschooling and farming. Brian is the CEO of AMP Quality Energy Services, and somehow in his off time, he manages to run the Rodgers' family farm, which has been affectionately termed, "Freedom Farm," as well serving his church and community as an elder at DPC.   Brian is generous, principled, spontaneous, and compassionate, and he loves Julie with all his heart. It is his joy to lead his family and pour into his children. 

Julie has the same passion. She is a nurturing, bright, happy woman who takes her role as a wife and mother with great pride and joy. It's often said of Julie that whoever meets her is an instant friend. She makes time to encourage and uplift whenever she can, usually with a couple kids in tow. She first introduced the concept of Pax Matres as a way to shower edification on other women who are trying to build godly, flourishing homes and families. She is the reason this ministry exists! 

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Zechariah, Allie, and Teddy

The Freeborns are woven into the Rodgers family through Allie and Zechariah Freeborn. Allie is Julie's firstborn daughter, and Zechariah is her husband. 

They live just south of Nashville, TN with their beloved baby boy, Teddy! Zechariah is a technician at AMP Quality Energy Services. Zach is friendly, centered, humble, and loving. He's a gentle and strong man whose prize is Christ and his family, and he enjoys the work of building and providing. In his down time, you will find him in the midst of his loved ones, serving and enjoying time with them. He loves fishing, hunting, and cooking. 

Allie currently works as the editor/cowriter of Pax Matres, as she finds time during Teddy's naps! She is thoughtful, creative, loyal, and happy. She loves Christ, wifehood, and motherhood with all her heart and is always looking for ways to pour into these relationships. She has interests in health, cooking, homesteading, and philosophy; if the sun is out, you will find her soaking it up with Teddy on her hip. 

Teddy (short for Terrence Michael) is just happy to be here. He's looking forward to his first birthday in August 2024 and is excited to play with mom and dad. We're so proud of the person he is already and we can't wait to see who he becomes! 

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Margaret is the eldest daughter of Brian and Julie. She is in the throes of her teen years, finishing high school next May! She is principled, studious, expressive, and friendly. She enjoys reading, theater, singing, and cooking. 

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